chapter 1: THE RECKLESS
for a random stranger one look at this picture and he/she might think "Hmmm.....he looks like any normal guy i could b friends with.."
!but hey! i would beg to differ... there are nt many ppl who kno me well enough they just think of me as a guy with a lotta arrogance,pride ,stubborness nd as a vrey un-cooperative person having said that about myself i feel much more relaxed and at peace becoz ppl like it r not that is the bitter truth about me!
born in a extremly well-to-do family ppl always think my life is better than therz..
WRONG AGAIN!!! i would gladly trade places with an avg joe ny given daycoz im really messed up (at this point i take the distinct plesure of thanking my parents for screwin me up and making me so dillusional in life )
y u may ask ?y am i so bitter and so disgruntled with my life??
all the money n pleasures aside i have nothin to show ..r offer any1
i have a realy stormy relation with my parents(don't wanna get into the dirty details here)....i have had a many relations in which i made it a point thet they don.t work coz i dunno y im afraid of commitment...i have very few frenz coz i dont get along with ppl ..i can keep ion ranting on and on but wtf !its no use!!
coz god made me a human being so the i suffer the misery of dying alone!!
chapter 2: THE SHAMELESS
MY hommi,my dear friend shashank"churan"shedge never spoke to the guy wen we wer in school.....infact hated the guy coz he always used to make fun of me!!but look we r the closest of pals today!!! he has got a heart as big as his tummy!!he is the most seasoned liar i have met in my life till date!
but wtf hez ma fren!!i have the bestest of times wit my fren churan n savoured every moment of it!got a great sense of humour ..many ways we both r fernz coz we have the same tyoe of problem:overpossesive parents n gossiping relatives!!!
dude ur ma bro !!
chapter 3:THE CARELESS

MY friend durgesh"roadrage"dhawan i still dunno y we r still friends!!coz i one guy of whum i was really scared of when i was in school was durgesh.. i used to change the lane if i saw him comin towards me and if we ever spoke i always kept a good arms length and spoke to him!!
i was petrified by the sheer sight of him!!but WTF again we r the closest of buddies today!
the guyhas got real guts coz not many ppl went thru the shit he went thru if ny1 amongst us has the right to say he is is own man it him !he is not a overprivilagd brat lik me ...he has worked for everything he owns
a little air headed at times and dosent think of the out come at times hence the word"CARELESS"but he the guy knows how to njoi his life thats wat makes him a great guy!
if jus for a while if he used his head insted of his heart he would turn into me!!!so durga use ur head for doing as little things as possibe and u'll b fine !!!(hehe!)
rock on dude !
(hope i get some jugips and marzipans for this)
last chapter:THE AIMLESS

my closest chuddy buddy rohan"buddhist"surej the mallaya of the group,the true maaratha maanus!!!(laaai bhhari)
my closest pal of em all!cheap and bitchy engraved wit the true marathi spirit in his veins all i can say is he is been the groups bitch for way 2222 long!!!
been thru thick and thin together for each other we call him "aimless"(coz he is a maratha end of argument!!!)lolz he knows y ask him!!
pipmles ,girls, skinny body ,bullyin' he has been thru all nd lived to tell the tale!!! jai maratha!!!
confused like all of us he is tryin to do the best he can in life !!!hez ma man !!!he loves faalguni paathak!!!hez a wannab rocker
he the mallaya!!no 1
he is rohan"j.b.s.k.h.c"surej
This is the GREATEST blog I have ever come across on the net!!!!!!
mallya u rock!!!!!
U have made me proud my fellow brethren!!!
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