Finally in the final year,the big dawgs! reaching to a end of a three yr degree course!YES PEOPLE! in a few shorts months nearly 200 students are gonaa graduate and be called (proudly) Bachelor of hospitality mgmt!i have personally gone a lot to be here..changed colleges,had my family name almost defamed,hopes and dreams crushed even before realizing them!
Now I have been a student of Kohinoor college of hotel mgmt for almost a year and a half now!
A college which i once discarded sayin it a shitty college..turned out to be the only college which accepted me when i was asked to leave from rizvi college of hotel mgmt!
So today i decided to thank all the wonderfully gifted students of KOKO by interviewing them!
NOTE: people have been picked at random and have been interviewd.
excerpts from the interview..
ME: so tell me what made you pick KOKO?
STUDent: To be phrank thees waas thee only kollege that akccepted me after I flunked the engg CET exams..hehe! alos my waadil(read:dad) has peechan with the locval shiv sena leader who is the union leader at ITC grand maarath who told my dad i can work as a steward after i pass!kool na?
M: thats all ok but don u think investing almost 2,50 laks for the three years only to do a job which pays only pays 6 grands a month dozt make any sense?
S: arre baba my aiee wadil took a loan..they have to pay the bank back not me!hehe!!!
M:so how did u find the college in the beginning ?
S:In thee begining i found it very diffculltty to undeshtand the lectured becoz all of them were in EEnglieehs but the i beacmed phrends with a few marathi maadhyam students and cot the professors and forcibly told tham to make undershtand us all in marathi!kool na?jai marashtra!hehe!
M:so hows the crowd out here?
S: arre baba it ieej too rokking!every one here speaks marathi!the guyjs are too cool they all listen to Laavani(marathi songs)and wen we party we all BREAk dance to Sawn paal(sean paul)i love his song tamptrature(temperature)also on our freshers paaarty we all did the ganpati dance to all the was the only party i had ever gone to!hehe!!
M:wat about the female crowd?
S:arre bahau the cheeks are too hot out here!i swear!aaie chi gaand laadki look are too kool all are babes!they all love the same things like we do and they love it especially if we fight and beat a guy up in a group to prove our manness!then they come and propose us!hehe!!
M:wow! really?!so how many grls came and proposed to u?
S:sadly no 1 bcoz i was the one who was bashed up in the group!hehe!!
M:sad! so wat do u do for fun out here?
S:aktaully (spitting on the floor of the classroom) we all love to drink!its the fave tymepass of our group!we buy a khaamba(bottle)of Imperial blue or bagpiper wen we have no moneys and drink it with the watercooler water !hehe!!
M: so are there any cool places out here?
S:arrre there are so many! there is shivaji maidaan wer we all go and play cricket during lectures,then there is dadar choowpatty wer we all go drink in public!,the der is are kackteen whic is for the kool DUDes!i totally love this place!me toh even comes here on sundays!hehe!!
M:wats a average college day for you like?
S:i love the kollege uniphorm and my kollege sports shoejs,then i ctach the 7.55 local to dadar and meet my pals and missed call them wen i reach the kolege!hehe!the if mood hua toh we sit phor lektures and harass the professors and the nerdy students!chutiya saale!hehe!!!
we never miss the lunch in college!fees waasul karna hai na?thats y i mqake it a point to eat every day even if i dun come for lektyures!hehe!!
M:so is there anyone you people hate?
S:yes!of cousre! der is this rich kid who comes in a bike !saala dosent drink cheap liquor like us!even patoed the Dubai gurl in our klass!he things just becoz hes rich has a pretty gurl and has a sekure fhututer he iej better than us!(spits again)
M:so wats ur ultimate goal in life?
S:I am toh going to the USA afteer the degree to work as a steward!hehe!!i'll go der and try to phasao a Ameerikan grl and bkome a shittyzen over there!!hehe!!!
M:so who do you idolize?
S: there is one maan who you are suppose to idolize! RAJ SAAHEB!bhaaiya bhaagoa maharastra bachao,riksha chaaloa!hehe!!
M:good!im so proud of you !im really gald to be your classmate!hope u do a really mediocre job for the rest of your life!
Friday, August 15, 2008
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- ogprankstr
- recklessness redefined!! yes!im the personification of recklessness! im just a kid whoz trying to live his life the way he wants to . not just another face in the crowd,im more sorta the guy who runs the show than sit on the sidelines and watch it! love me or hate me ! (love me pls, pls!) i just write random exps i go through in my life in a funny,sarcastic way! hope u ppl enjoy my misery! cheers!
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