I'll be honest here ...yours truly has not been on a date in a really ..really long time...since joining hotel management i have not got much chance to go out with a female !(yes its true!..sad ..but true!)i always like the feeling of meeting someone new!but as all u people know only females i get to meet are....errrr...wait a min..i don meet many females these days!
i really miss the game of dating....i really do!
i generally go all out on dates..flowers,Candy's,nice place to go...i generally have everything chalked out!..Boy! i miss the good ol' days!
I'm not being a pompous ass wen i say that i know how to make a grl feel good on a date!...but hey some ppl are born talented!!!!he he~!
but i have become lazy these day's...i have almost forgotten all the good places in mumbai!
this Sunday ...i was bored and desperately wanted to get outta my house!!and so did my friend(a girl who i wont name!)so we decided to go on was i call a friendly date...which involves everything i wud do normally on a date minus the flattery!and oh ya also the physical part!(like i get any normally!)the girl i went out with ..is a really close fren of mine!i mean she knows me in and out!we never get to meet each other coz of r hectic schedules but we had free time this Sunday and decided to meet up!
lemme get things straight first by sayin that even though my fren is a real pretty,sweet girl ther was,there is not and there will be nothing between us except our beautiful relation we share called friendship!
its generally she who takes me out but this time i decided i can't be a free loader forever!(yes even i have got dignity and self respect left in me!)
ok so we meet up!and it was really nice to see her after a long long time!she was looking good as usual and i din look bad either !(for a change!!!)see the problem of taking a old fren out anywer is that she knows how i can spend a lot on a date and become a real kanjoos guy wen it comes to frenz!so she will obviously be more demanding!
so after a Lotta of disagreement on places to goto we decided to go to a mocha!(of all places)so as usual i went all out for her and ordered the best things on the menu!(yes i know its cheap!)but spending time with my lovely fren was more important than the food!(yes i know cheap again!)
we had a Lotta things to discuss...like me!... and how good i was looking these days!(hehe!)and ya i also let her cut in and say a few good things about me!!!
but all in all i was really happy to see her coz we know each other so well it was like we wer a married couple(lame joke ..i knw!) but WTF! we did care about any1 ..i mean y shud we?it soo much fun wen ur with a grl and actually oogle at a grl with a nerdy boy..who was wearing a nice short short skirt!!(the grl was wearing the skirt..jus to be precise)or or flirt with the grl sitting on the nex table via eye contact...!man i was loving it!it felt soo good!
at the end of the day i come back with a sense of pride in me and the satisfaction of meeting my lovely friend...and thinking ...why can't all dates be like the one i had today........
Sunday, August 12, 2007
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- ogprankstr
- recklessness redefined!! yes!im the personification of recklessness! im just a kid whoz trying to live his life the way he wants to . not just another face in the crowd,im more sorta the guy who runs the show than sit on the sidelines and watch it! love me or hate me ! (love me pls, pls!) i just write random exps i go through in my life in a funny,sarcastic way! hope u ppl enjoy my misery! cheers!
1 comment:
u new to blogging like u said. the posts are good. but a small suggestion would be to reduce the font size. its not very readable. making it smaller would also fit more posts in a page.
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