...but then too i have to tell the world y(so they do mis-interpret wad im sayin)
we all have known each other for quiet some time now!!don't we?..bet you never thot we wud b fren for such a long time din't cha?!!life is'nt sweet babes soooo..i salute you all for bearing me!!!
i am gonna bear my soul out ...so shilpa,tina and ritu get ur hankies put coz this 1z gonna ne a tear-jerker....sob!
i will begin the dearest and the most valuable fren i have ..shilpa...
wad do i say about ya bear...been thru some weird times togethr eh???r may be not!
but then again we lived to tell the tale...din we?
you have been i wild grl babe...thats y i love ya so much..u are nuts ..u never backed away frm doin nythin..!!
i will not get into the details here but the ppl whu know her they will bet she was born to be a party grl!!the nicest person i have met..i respect ,admire and value you a lot as a fren and i mean it !bet ya din kno dis huh!!ha!
she is the sort of person who will support u wen u r down and out!she is really a true fren!she is the best person to have a chat with about stupid stuff..i mean we tak bout nythin stupid tv serials like takeshi's castle r bitchin about a bitch!
i love to cook for her coz she is a fan of what i cook!!(i ain that good at it but she will say its good jus bcoz she is a sweetheart)pshyco boyfrenz,dangerous frenz u have been thru it all !and the shilpa i kno is the most wonderful grl eva!
but to tell ya the truth we wer'nt dat close frenz to begin with but r frenship blossomed whit each puff of a cigge we had!rite ?but now that u quit we r still frenz and closer than ever!
u are my darlin fren and will remain 1 forever !!!like-it-r-not !...and thanks for finally gettin a new cell dear !!now i can sleep well at nights!!heheh!lol!
jus bcoz i said shilpa is my dearest fren dos'nt mean ur any less closer to me, if she is my fundoo fren(?) you are my scary fren!(ask shilpa)coz i don wanna die alone!!
you are the most talkative ppl i have ever met on this planet!!ther i've said it!hit me all ya wanna but it ain gonna change the truth!!!(pls don hit me!)you are my rock !litrally cos it feel like bein hit by 1 aftr ur "friendly"punches!you are my advisor-in-chief..she always gives me and guides me in doin the rite things..rembr wen u told me cut my hair??still thank ya 4 dat!!+a lotta otr relationship advice!yup u herd me!
she uses her mouth for two things she loves doing..
1)talking:she can go on n on n on n on n on n on on n on again about anything
jus ask her wad she did 2day and u sir will get a play by play of was she did every freakin min of the day!yes she will put the fear of god in u!yes she won't let u speak a word even if its imprtnt!
2)eating:god save the person who takes her out for a dinner!
but hey!u have been der for me and i for ya!good times eh?
and guys beware the girl knows how to throw a punch and if u dare to come bac 4 more her mom will-kill-you!
(U DON KNO THIS ...we(me n shilpa)never y meet u alone? coz v hav a suicide pact that we die togtr if v have to die hearin ur stories)
finally ritu...my saviour!she knows every dirty detail about my life!
she is perhaps the only girl who has known me so well in such a short span of time! she is rock solid and a even rockingly solid fren!(?again)ther is nuttin i can r perhaps will have to complain about this grl she is like my sonia gandhi(sorry!outta of ideas on this 1)i dunno wad i wud have done witout u!u have have been der for me like the otr two divas in my life!!is the nicest person i have met and i don think it gets ny sweeter than this grl!seriously she will give u diabetis!i never knew a grl so nice existed in a marwari society!!(kiddin)
pls pls marry sum1 frm mumbai pls!!!
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