Friday, June 20, 2008
The people who run our lives
People living in this city have become so lazy man! me included,
slowly but steadily we are turning into Americans (except,we will take a piss on the street corner rite next to the sulabh sauchalya to save a buck or throw the garbage out of our windows.)
even Indians living in the US of A complaints all the time how they miss the comfort money could buy in India,comfort we all take for granted(for confirmation call up a relative of urs int the states and see her go on and on till ur bank balance runs dry!).
people who talk about as the low category people who do what they do becoz they wer meant to do that..treat them like dirt,abuse them and even harass them coz they dun know the pain of being them coz they never bothered to ask how they are feelin or hows things at home!
Each and everyone of us think of all these people who run our lives as the insignificant people ..don't deny the fact think long and hard ..really really hard ..cmon u must have mis-treated someone ?and if u still cant think of sum1 well..ur jus perfect aren't ya?..congrats!..or ur memory just sucks ass!
I admit the fact that i am filled with hatred for all humans barring my frens and family and i have been a jerk ..A LOT!
i can give u a million instances wer i have abused a rikshawala or my restaurant staff or m maid ..and i regret it a lot.
Only wen u speak to these people u come to know how difficult lives they live..people like our maids,car cleaner,the milk man,the paper guy.. how we always expect them to do a perfect work and if the fail to do it we never run shy of giving them a peice of our minds coz we all are self centered people
I am telling all of this coz i have been at the receiving end of these nasty comments myself and i know how it feels to be blasted by an asshole like you or me at work or anywer else.
so next time you decide to give maa-bheen gaalis to anyone who works for you jus think for a second how hard ur parcel wala who braved the rain pedaling his bike to deliver ur food coz u wer too lazy to cook to send money back to his/her old parents or to provide a good education to their children so they dun have to take crap form ppl like u and me or drive a riksha coz his daddy weren't as rich as urs or he has to work coz he is the only able pair oh hands to provide for his home..and jus imagine how difficult ur life becomes if dun come to work for even 1 single day!!
so the next time be kind..remember it could be u taking a yelling from ur boss for coming late coz he also owns u in a way like the way u feel u own these people ..and thank god ur not him/her coz im pretty sure u and me would suck at doin their jobs big time!
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- ogprankstr
- recklessness redefined!! yes!im the personification of recklessness! im just a kid whoz trying to live his life the way he wants to . not just another face in the crowd,im more sorta the guy who runs the show than sit on the sidelines and watch it! love me or hate me ! (love me pls, pls!) i just write random exps i go through in my life in a funny,sarcastic way! hope u ppl enjoy my misery! cheers!