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Don't let the title of this blog distract you ! It's not as it sounds! this is about how much i enjoy getting drunk while listening to good ol' fashion rock!as most of you'll know i'm an avid fan of the good ol glam metal A.K.A the good ol days of the hairbands of the 80's. This holi i just got what i always wanted all my holi playing career!..A bunch of beer drinkin,hairband wearin,guys from down south playin holi how its meant to be played..with lots of beer,good music and a rockin crowd! I am generally never the type to gel in a new group of people immediately..but wen beer is involved..things suddenly change and im not that shy and silent anymore!
As a strict rule which i follow every year i don't drink on holi ,but this year the lure of deadly color's,dirty water of juhu beach and of course my good ol fren and his pals ..500ml cans of kingfisher drought beer wer calling out to me..and like all frail human beings gave into the temptation!and i'm glad i did..coz i utterly and thoroughly enjoyed it !!!
This point on i am telling u wat my sober on that day pal durgesh told me ..
He said he saw a completely new side of me that dat..usually wen im drunk i yell profanities ot my pals or talk crazy like all drunkards..but this day for some reason i was laughing..yes laughing in an un controllable mad man type laughter which i vaguely remember doing..and that's not it!..he said i was laughing all the way from Powai till we reached Andheri!!can u beat that!..he also added that after my entertaining state that day i also thot i was burn proof..coz i did burn myself on my bike silencer somehow but i did continue laughing!!! alcohol and mix of okayish music and rocking crowd somehow makes me forget how entertaining i can be!i wish i cud always be like that!!
The very same evening wen i was in total control of my senses i remember i did manage to embarrass 1 other person other than me..i did gave my newly wed fren and her husband a sight to remember..of course Ritu has seen me in this sate before but now her husband know all these years his darling wife was indeed in really really safe drunk hands!!
Also i take this opportunity to thank my pal Swaroop & Co for sponsoring all the beer that day ..but moreover i thank them for i got my revenge on my dear pal durgesh on the following Saturday coz they made him feel how i have been feeling all this years wen i sit in his car..utterly and totally hopelessly lost and nauseous (sorry durgesh!!)
I have been very happy these days...and the reason i have been feeling so is bcoz my dear pal Ritu had come back to town after her grand lavish wedding!(i am still pissed at her for getting married so soon but thats a different story)..the biggest thing is she is very happy and she is happy i am happy.
i have had a lot of good memories with Ritu as a pal who has been so very understanding and caring and i consider myself very lucky to have had her by my side as a pal all this time.
she has changed my life in many ways she is the one who got me and still gets a stupid individual like me..but hey!this aint about her!this is about a girl a very pretty lookin girl who i met coz of her.
i wud be simply lying if i said that im not her fan!
she is perhaps one of the most sweetest persons i have ever met.. besides Ritu of course!
and i can bet that she is one in a fact truly unique!
she is the most beautiful girls i know..and i can brag about that proudly
the very first day i saw her i was awestruck!that pretty face with sharp features,the long silky hair ..any guy whud be bowled over!
Ritu told me she was her bud! i said to myself AND I HAD NUTTIN ELSE TO SAY COZ I WAS STRAPPED 4 WORDS!i told Ritu to that "man ur pal is a real looker" and a host of other real flattering comments..which i later found out ritu gladly passed on to her ..cud der be anymore embarrassing!?
but as luck had it ..i one day finally got to meet her!man was i exited!!most ppl say beauty is only skin deep..i bet that wudnt say that if the met her..she is only of the most bubbly and full of life persons i have met till date and i challenge anyone to prove me wrong!
i still rember the day wen Ritus bday how she managed to embarrass us all...but that was the most happy embarrassment i ever faced and i wud gladly go thru it again!!!!
i always love to see her and see her yap on and on about anything,i so wish there wer more girls like her in my life or college..then my life wud be truly heaven!till then i have the pleasure of calling her my pal.
even though she put me up to writing this..i dun have any complaints,i can only complaint to myself why din i do this before.
now by reading this most wud come to a conclusion that i am truly,madly and deeply in love with her! to be really honest even if i wer i can say honestly that she wud never go out with a guy like me and i wud add further that she wud be way too good for nuttin guy like me!+ we wud be the oddest couple ever !
i can say the only honest thing i can say is that ..i am a true admirer of this female and her charm and charisma!!!
may u always keep on spreading the infectious happiness and madness that u spread through ur life!
P.S:i will always be ur admirer my dear like it not(i bet u really like it huh?)